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Our system is free for clubs and their members. Coming fall, commercial functionality will be available like lotto, club membership payment, club online shops, additional support, etc. Work with this functionality will include charges and will be agreed in separate Terms and Conditions.

The main basic modules of the system that doesn’t have commercial use free for clubs and club members.

If you are a club secretary and want to start using our system. Then you just need to submit an application, after which our manager will contact you and connect your club. Connecting the club to our system takes some time, because we need to identify that you are the secretary of the club. We also need to confirm and verify the Chairman of the club. This is done in order to avoid possible clones in our system, as well as to fix the account in the ownership of the club.

We create an account for your club and assign it to the chairman of the club where he will be listed. If in the future your club will have to change or add a secretary, then it will be enough for you to contact support. All this is done to possibly avoid losing access to the main account, which will store the entire history of your club and members in the future.

If you are a member of a club that is not in active registration, it means that your club secretary or club administration did not apply to join ClubBench. Accordingly, we cannot admit you to a club that is not registered by club’s secretary. In such cases, only the basic account will be available to you until you register in any club and receive confirmation to work in it.

If you wish to use ClubBench at your club as a player or coach, please let your club secretary know to register the club.
We are sure secretary will be delighted with this news!

After you have registered in the ClubBench and submitted an application to join into your club, you will need to wait for confirmation from your club secretary. The club secretary in his secretary profile has the option to confirm new club members. This is done so that only its members are allowed into your club and strangers cannot be present.

If you are waiting a long time for confirmation to join the club, then you need to contact your club secretary directly. Confirmation of joining the club is the prerogative of the club secretary, to whom the club account is assigned.

Of course, in our system you can be in different clubs and roles using one account. For example, being in two clubs, you can have different roles and switch between them. In accordance with the switching of roles, in your personal account, modules will be adapted to a specific role, as well as changing club information.

Working in just one club account, you can easily be a coach, player and even secretary simultaneously. Making a quick switch between roles from your personal account.

After registering in the ClubBench you are getting personal basic account, which is registered for you. As soon as you apply for a role in the selected club, you will be confirmed by the club secretary. Your personal account will get additional functionality according to club role, such as coach. And you will be able to switch between personal and club role accounts.

Quite right, there are modules that are displayed the same for all roles. And there are modules that are displayed in the right correspondence for a specific role. For example, the "Live Training" section, the coach sees in his own way, since he needs to create and evaluate workouts. And the player is displaying the coaching plan and the coach's assessment, without the possibility of creating training sessions. All this is done for the convenience of working with modules under each role.

Also, the secretary has access to many administrative modules that are necessary only for him alone to fully manage the club. These modules, according to their tasks, cannot be in any way with a coach or a player.

By default, there are only 3 club roles in our system (secretary, coach, player). If your club needs to create profile for club secretary assistant or, for example, for a store manager. Then contact our support team, we will create a specific role for you that includes the necessary functionality.

After profile will be created, secretary can assign a new profile to any member of your club through the Members section.

If you decide to leave your club or you will be suspended from a certain role. Then, your basic account will be returned to basic personal profile. For example, if you were a coach, all your coaching experience, correspondence, plans, etc. will remain in your profile on ClubBench.

In our system, there is a clear separation between club and personal information, as well as its display between roles. Therefore, you should not worry that after leaving the club you will lose your personal data. All information will remain in your personal account, as soon as access to your club role will be closed.

All your club and player data are stored on our server in encrypted form. Only you can access your data. All your documents, correspondence, statistics and more are securely protected and have an additional backup for security.

When registering a club, we contact the club and fully confirm who is a chairman. After verification, the club account becomes the property of the club. If you, as the Chairman of the club wish to change the secretary, then you need to contact us in order we assign secretary role to another person.

Absolutely right, the most important in the club is the secretary's account, which has all the functionality and authority to work with the club, which is why it is assigned to the club account. To become a club secretary, you need to apply to this role by joining the club from your personal profile and expect to be contacted by our support team. The secretary's account is linked to the Chairman of the club, after which it is delegated to your club secretary for the club management.

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